Academic Partners
Each iteration of the Aura CDT brings together four partner institutes representing a broad range of interdisciplinary research expertise relating to offshore wind energy and the environment.
- University of Hull
The University of Hull has particular research expertise in environmental science, engineering and computer science. The interdisciplinary Energy and Environment Institute at the University of Hull brings together the skills and capabilities of leading researchers to tackle global challenges related to climate change and energy security.
Pioneering work at the interface between sustainable energy and environmental resilience and Hull’s location at the heart of the energy estuary led to the formation of Aura, a collaboration between academia, industry, NGOs, and national and local government to drive forward innovation in the low carbon economy. Aura was mentioned in the Government Sector Deal for Offshore Wind an example of how a region can harness industry, local enterprises, innovation providers and skills agencies, bringing together the public and private sector to promote regeneration and grow capability.
- Durham University
Partner in Aura CDT I and Aura CDT II
The Durham Energy Institute (DEI) is the hub of energy research at Durham University. It unlocks research synergies between different disciplines and sectors, to tackle global energy challenges.The Institute brings together researchers with a range of expertise in energy technologies including extensive experience in Wind Energy research. Other strengths include research into societal and economic aspects of energy developments, future energy systems, energy materials, smart energy systems, carbon capture and storage, geo-energy, hydrocarbons and geo-politics.
- Loughborough University
Partner in Aura CDT II
Loughborough University is proud of its contribution to the net zero energy agenda, and its transdisciplinary researchers who provide urgent solutions – spanning new technologies, system performance and end use energy demand.
It is home to the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) which – for more than 25 years – has led the way in accelerating some the most progressive sustainable technologies.
Meanwhile, its Centre for Sustainable Transitions: Energy, Environment and Resilience (STEER) brings together researchers working to accelerate the transition to inclusive, sustainable and resilient energy systems worldwide.
With Trelleborg, its materials experts addressed the problem of wind turbine radar interference – broadening the geographical range of potential sites for wind farms.
This breadth of expertise underpins all our teaching – ensuring you have a rich and inspiring body of knowledge and support to draw on throughout your PhD.
- Newcastle University
Partner in Aura CDT I
Newcastle University is a founding member of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities, and inspires the minds of 27,750 students from over 130 countries. Newcastle’s academics and researchers are exploring solutions to some of the world’s greatest problems, pioneering new ways of thinking, and collaborating with international institutions that share our vision for excellence, creativity, and impact. The University’s research is renowned for its world-class reputation, and consistently ranks in the top three for impact excellence in areas as diverse as computing science, environmental science, and English.We host key components of the UK’s research infrastructure, including the National Centre for Energy Systems Integration and the National Centre for Subsea and Offshore Engineering.
- University of Sheffield
Partner in Aura CDT I and Aura CDT II
The University of Sheffield is a research-intensive Russell Group university with a PhD research population of approximately 2,700 students.
As a partner in the Aura Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Offshore Wind and the Environment, Sheffield will be supporting the CDT’s work to recruit exceptional graduates who will undertake cutting-edge research to meet the environmental and engineering challenges the industry faces.
The University of Sheffield’s Faculty of Engineering has seven departments and three interdisciplinary programmes, offering state-of-the-art learning and teaching facilities, access to leading expertise, and valuable links to industry partners and networks. The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) specialises in world-leading research focused on advanced manufacturing and materials, helping manufacturers of all sizes to become more competitive.