Akash Kumar

Aura Centre for Doctoral Training

Work with industry, drive innovation, develop a sustainable future.

Cohort 5

Akash Kumar


I possess four years of experience in the Pakistani energy sector, where I held responsibilities related to site electrical operations and maintenance, project management, and design review of new electrical installations. Subsequently, I pursued a masters degree in electrical engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology in the USA. My master’s dissertation focused on machine learning-based prediction of nanogrid load and its optimisation while ensuring user comfort levels. I am eager to leverage my combined industrial expertise and academic aptitude to enhance my forthcoming doctoral journey.

Research Interests:

I have a strong research interest in sustainability, artificial intelligence in wind energy renewable energy particularly  offshore wind and photovoltaics, nanogrids and microgrids, load prediction and management, and the integration of energy sources into the grid. Furthermore, I am a firm advocate for the transfer of technology from academia to industry, as it is the platform where the transformation of ideas into practical realities occurs. consequently, I am consistently drawn to research projects with the potential for commercial viability.

Why you applied for the Aura CDT:

My profound desire to make a meaningful contribution to society has led me to pursue a PhD in offshore wind energy during a period of critical significance. With four years of extensive experience in the energy sector, I firmly believe that the industry-focused approach of the Aura CDT program will further augment my professional and academic journey. Motivated by a strong sense of responsibility to give back to society and a resolute determination to excel in my field, I have chosen to apply for this program.

Get in touch:

Email: akash.kumar-2022@hull.ac.uk


For an informal discussion, call +44 (0) 1482 463331
or contact auracdt@hull.ac.uk