Eamonn Tuton

Aura Centre for Doctoral Training

Work with industry, drive innovation, develop a sustainable future.

Cohort 3 Student

Eamonn Tuton

Background: I graduated from the University of Hull with a BSc in Geography and an MSc in Renewable Energy, followed by a BEng specialising in energy and sustainability with the Open University, undertaken whilst working as a transport planning consultant. My Geography dissertation utilised preserved pollen to reconstruct vegetation change in the North York Moors, with my Renewable Energy thesis focused on modelling tidal lagoon power plants within the Humber Estuary. For my BEng dissertation, I evaluated energy storage technologies, with that considered most viable (electrochemical battery storage) modelled alongside wind power for use in an off-grid system at an existing farm and assessed in terms of power availability and financial viability. 

Research Interests: My primary research interests are in the use of machine learning and Digital Twin technology to tackle the challenges posed by operating and maintaining wind turbines, particularly offshore, where wind farms are isolated and extreme weather conditions increase risks and reduce accessibility.  

Why I applied to the Aura CDT: The Aura CDT fits with my aspiration to work in renewable energy research, providing a healthy mix of academic and industrial experiences and offers an opportunity to undertake cutting edge research around specialised themes, whilst also studying in a broader multidisciplinary setting. The centre’s industry ties also provide insight into the real-world applications of academic research which should help shape my research in a way that can be potentially more impactful.

My research: I am researching Digital Twin Logistics of Operations and Maintenance for Offshore Wind Farms

Published research:

Intelligent digital twin – machine learning system for real-time wind turbine wind speed and power generation forecastingConference paper from the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering (REEE 2023), Brest, France

Redefining Digital Twins – A Wind Energy Operations and Maintenance Perspective: Conference paper from TORQUE 2024, Florence, Italy



For an informal discussion, call +44 (0) 1482 463331
or contact auracdt@hull.ac.uk