Nilotpal Dhar

EPSRC Aura Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Wind Energy and Environment

Cohort 3 student

Nilotpal Dhar

Aura CDT Activities:

Apart from my PhD studies, I have been involved in Hull Pint of Science 2022 events, themed ‘Going Offshore: The Future of UK Energy’ and ‘How prepared is Hull for future flooding?’ with two colleagues. I have worked with my Aura CDT colleagues to develop an offshore wind card game on the development of offshore wind farms and successfully presented it at the EPSRC Engineering NetZero Week at the University of Glasgow and Aura CDT Conference 2022. I also volunteered to organise the Aura CDT Conference 2024 and chair sessions. I have successfully mentored first-year PhD students to facilitate their transition from PGDip to PhD.

Outside of the Aura CDT, I have acted as PGR Representative within the University of Hull’s Energy and Environment Institute; as a representative, I have organised various activities such as the EEI PGR Monthly Forums, EEI Easter Egg Hunt, EEI Summer Conference and EEI Free Little Library.


As an undergraduate, I studied B.Tech (equivalent to UK BEng) Civil Engineering at Sikkim Manipal University, India, with a focus on Structural Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering and Reinforced Concrete Structures. I studied MSc Civil Engineering with Fluid Mechanics for my postgraduate studies at University College London. My postgraduate degree was focused on Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Offshore and Coastal Engineering, Advanced Soil Mechanics and Project Management for Engineers.

Research Interests:

I am interested in investigating fluid structure interaction of offshore and coastal structures and corresponding the hydrodynamic loading, the effect of different structural members of floating platforms towards loading, understanding the influence of vortex shedding on loading. I am interested in the motion of floating platforms due to hydrodynamic loading and its effect on mooring systems.

Why you applied for the Aura CDT:

I applied for PhD programme at Aura CDT because I wanted to contribute towards holistic and sustainable development of the offshore wind energy sector. The sector being a developing one faces complex challenges, I wanted to contribute towards the solutions of these problems. At the same time, the programme offered an opportunity to apply, learn and develop a variety of skills to solve problems.

PhD Research:

My PhD project, in collaboration with ORE Catapult, looks into hydrodynamic loading on floating offshore wind turbine platform under static condition due to unidirectional constant current flow. Floating offshore wind turbines are essential to install wind turbines in far offshore deep-sea locations where wind resources are stronger and consistent.

Although, originally derived from oil and gas industry, the scope of floating platforms with offshore wind sector is very different owing different locating conditions and scale. Also, floating platforms are subjected to different types of loading and dynamic motion. This makes hydrodynamic loading evaluation challenging even under most ideal conditions.

My project examines the effect of structural members on hydrodynamic loading and found that increasing members increases load. The contribution of members varies with increasing velocity. I am also interested in understanding the effect of orientation on loading as well as comparison of loading on two different floating platforms. Further, I am interested in investigating effect of vortex shedding on hydrodynamic loading on floating platforms.

More information on the Enhanced mixing of stratified waters by offshore wind infrastructure 

Published research:

The first chapter of my thesis is now published as a paper in the Journal of Marine Science & Engineering, published Jan 2025 The Influence of Structural Design on the Hydrodynamics of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Platforms

It looks into how different members of a floating platform contributes towards hydrodynamic loading with increasing velocity.





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