Seph Sanderson

Aura Centre for Doctoral Training

Work with industry, drive innovation, develop a sustainable future.

Cohort 5

Seph Sanderson (They/Them)

Aura CDT Activities:

I am a Cohort 5 Student Rep on the Aura CDT Student Committe.

My PhD Research:

I am undertaking Understanding the interaction between internal waves and offshore wind structures at Newcastle University. This involves researching the interaction between internal waves and offshore wind structures.


Before AURA I pursued an MMATH in applied mathematics, delving into geophysical flows, instabilities, quantum fluids, and general relativity, fostering a deep understanding of diverse mathematical and physical concepts.

As part of my undergraduate career, I embarked on a research project titled ‘Investigation of Internal Solitary Waves and Collisions between Mode-1 and Mode-2 wave types.’ Notably, my work corroborated experimental findings by Dr. Magda Carr, underlining the practical value of my research. I am currently in the process of preparing this research for publication, eager to contribute to the body of knowledge in applied mathematics and experimental fluid dynamics.

Research Interests:

My research interests center around the dynamic interplay between internal solitary waves and offshore wind structures, with a specific focus on floating offshore wind platforms. I aim to explore how these large-amplitude internal waves, common in the ocean, affect the stability, performance, and structural integrity of floating wind turbines. Understanding the complex interactions and their implications is vital for optimising the design and operation of offshore renewable energy systems. This research not only contributes to the development of sustainable energy solutions but also addresses the challenges posed by the ocean’s ever-changing conditions.

Why you applied for the Aura CDT:

I applied to the Aura CDT because I have always wanted to apply my mathematical knowledge to a field I felt passionate about. My previous research opened the door the several oppurtunities and the Aura CDT was the best fit for me.

Get in touch:


For an informal discussion, call +44 (0) 1482 463331
or contact